Mr. Woodford to Mr. Sherman.
Madrid, February 23, 1898.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt, on February 20, instant, of a telegram from the President of the United States.
This was in reply to a message which I had sent directly to the President, conveying the assurances of sympathy and condolence with Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain had just sent verbally to me through a gentleman of the royal household, and with the request that I would convey the same to the President.
I informed the Spanish minister of foreign affairs at once of the receipt of the telegram from the President, and Her Majesty promptly granted me a private audience yesterday afternoon, February 22, instant. I then presented to Her Majesty a copy of the telegram which I had received from the President, and assured her of the deep appreciation felt by the President, the Government, and the people of the United States for all the kindness and sympathy shown by Her Majesty, by the Spanish Government, and by the authorities and citizens of Habana on the sad occasion of the loss of the U. S. S. Maine.
My interview with Her Majesty was exceedingly cordial and satisfactory.
I have, etc.,