Mr. Woodford to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, February 18,
No. 148.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt this morning of telegraphic dispatch from the Department.
As instructed, I have at once addressed an official note to the Spanish
[Page 1034]
minister of foreign
affairs, conveying to his excellency the deep appreciation which the
President, the Government, and the people of the United States feel for
this generous tribute to the memory of our dead and for this
manifestation of sympathy in our grief.
I will present this note to the Spanish minister in person this
afternoon, and will also call personally upon Señor Sagasta, the
president of the council of ministers.
I inclose copy of my note to the Spanish minister, and am, etc.,
Mr. Woodford to
Señor Gullon.
February 18,
No. 65.]
My Dear Sir: I am to-day in receipt of a
dispatch from the American Secretary of State informing me that the
Spanish chargé d’affaires at Washington has presented a telegraphic
message of condolence from His Majesty’s Government to that of the
United States, and I am instructed to convey at once to your
Excellency the deep appreciation which the President, the
Government, and the people of the United States feel for this
generous tribute to the memory of the many who perished in the
destruction of the United States steamer Maine and for this manifestation of sympathy with the
American people in their grief.
I trust that your Excellency will permit me to add my own sincere
expression of gratitude for the many and heartfelt expressions of
sympathy which have come to me from the Government and the people of
Spain in this great sorrow.
I avail myself of this occasion to renew to your Excellency the
assurances of my most distinguished consideration.