Mr. Terrell to Mr. Sherman.

No. 1284.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a translated copy of the note of the Turkish minister of foreign affairs to my demand for the payment of indemnity for losses sustained by Levon H. Seyranian, which demand was made in obedience to your 1362 of the 22d March last.

It will be seen that the Ottoman Government adheres to its determination not to pay indemnity for losses sustained during civil “disorders.”

I have, etc.,

A. W. Terrell.
[Inclosure in No. 1284.]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Mr. Terrell.

Mr. Minister: I have received your excellency’s note, No. 174, of the 12th ultimo relative to the claim of the American citizen, Levon H. Seyranian.

As I have already informed your excellency, the Imperial authorities exerted all efforts to assure the protection of the Americans residing in the district where disorders took place.

Under these circumstances and in consideration of generally recognized rules the Sublime Porte can not admit the principle of granting indemnities on the score of said disorders.

I regret, consequently, that it is impossible for me to satisfy the demand set forth in the aforesaid note.

Receive, etc.,
