Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1897

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1897
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President
- Correspondence
Argentine Republic (Documents 1–4)- Discrimination against American lumber (Documents 1–2)
- Discriminating duty on cotton-seed oil (Documents 3–4)
- Discrimination against American lumber (Documents 1–2)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 5–28)
- Seizure of the passport of an American citizen (Documents 5–6)
- Execution of foreign judgments in Croatia (Documents 7–8)
- Trichinæ in imported American pork (Documents 9–10)
- Insane Americans in Austrian asylums (Documents 11–19)
- Adoption of the metric system by Austria-Hungary (Documents 20–21)
- Military service—case of Carl Sintar (Document 22)
- Military service—case of Mae Tewel (Document 23)
- Military service—case of Paul Schwabek (Document 24)
- Protest against the tariff bill (Documents 25–26)
- Form of oath to be taken by Austro-Hungarian subjects becoming naturalized
American citizens (Documents 27–28)
- Seizure of the passport of an American citizen (Documents 5–6)
- Belgium (Documents 29–45)
- Applications for passports (Documents 29–37)
- Prohibition of American cattle and meats (Documents 38–39)
- Tonnage dues on Belgian vessels (Documents 40–45)
- Applications for passports (Documents 29–37)
- Brazil (Documents 46–54)
- Deposit of ship’s articles with port authorities (Document 46)
- Promotion of trade (Document 47)
- Attempted assassination of president Moraes. (Documents 48–54)
- Deposit of ship’s articles with port authorities (Document 46)
- Chile (Documents 55–59)
- China (Documents 60–109)
- Fostering of American interests in China (Documents 60–63)
- Prevention of antiforeign riots (Documents 64–70)
- Right of Americans to reside and engage in business in the restricted
parts of Soochow and Hangchow (Documents 71–75)
- Consular jurisdiction in China (Documents 76–77)
- Closing of Government examinations to converts to Christianity (Documents 78–79)
- Kutien riots—punishment of officials and indemnity to Miss Hartford (Documents 80–81)
- Adoption of rules for the prevention of collisions at sea. (Documents 82–84)
- Taxation of foreign trade in China (Documents 85–87)
- Protection of Chinese in Salvador and Nicaragua (Documents 88–93)
- Traveling in China (Documents 94–95)
- Kiang-yin riots—dismissal of Magistrate Liu Yao Kuang (Documents 96–100)
- Exhibition of passports by travelers in China (Documents 101–102)
- Right of missionaries to engage in secular work in the interior (Documents 103–104)
- Importation into China of machinery used for making counterfeit
money (Documents 105–108)
- Superstition in regard to the eclipse of the sun (Document 109)
- Fostering of American interests in China (Documents 60–63)
- Costa Rica (Documents 110–113)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua (Documents 110–113)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Costa Rica and
Nicaragua (Documents 110–113)
- Denmark (Documents 114–122)
- Naturalization of Jens A. E. Sorenson (Documents 114–118)
- Liability of Fred. A. Neilsen to military duty in Denmark (Documents 119–120)
- Protection of Mormon missionaries (Documents 121–122)
- Naturalization of Jens A. E. Sorenson (Documents 114–118)
- Dominion Republic (Documents 123–124)
- Termination of treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation (Documents 123–124)
- Termination of treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation (Documents 123–124)
- Ecuador (Document 125)
- United States citizens in Ecuador (Document 125)
- United States citizens in Ecuador (Document 125)
- France (Documents 126–161)
- Increased import duties on pork and lard (Documents 126–137)
- Suit of Schneider & Co. versus The Carnegie Steel Company (Documents 138–139)
- French military and nationality laws (Document 140)
- Military service—case of Arthur D. Hubinoit (Documents 141–144)
- Prohibition of the importation of American cattle and meats (Document 145)
- Extraterritorial rights of United States citizens in Madagascar (Documents 146–148)
- Concessions granted by the Malagasy Government in Madagascar (Documents 149–151)
- Landing of the French cable (Documents 152–160)
- Admission of foreigners to French Government schools (Document 161)
- Increased import duties on pork and lard (Documents 126–137)
- Germany (Documents 162–220)
- The Protest of Germany against the new tariff (Documents 162–165)
- Effect of the new tariff upon trade between Germany and the United
States (Document 166)
- United States citizenship of Josef Georg Surmann (Documents 167–168)
- Protection of German vessel at Martinique (Documents 169–176)
- Importation of American pork containing trichinæ (Documents 177–181)
- Military service cases of alfred meyer. (Documents 182–188)
- Reports on military-service cases. (Documents 189–190)
- Exclusion of American life insurance companies (Documents 191–194)
- Return to Germany of naturalized Americans of German birth (Documents 195–201)
- Applicability of the Bancroft treaties to Alsace-Lorraine (Documents 202–211)
- Discrimination against American woods (Documents 212–219)
- Adjournment of the Reichstag (Document 220)
- The Protest of Germany against the new tariff (Documents 162–165)
- Great Britain (Documents 221–316)
- Celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of Queen Victoria’s accession to
the throne (Documents 221–230)
- Blockade of Crete (Documents 231–234)
- Restriction of the liquor traffic in Zanzibar (Documents 235–237)
- Protection of fur seals in Bering Sea (Documents 238–307)
- Relief expedition to the Yukon River country (Documents 308–310)
- Communication with the Yukon River country (Documents 311–316)
- Celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of Queen Victoria’s accession to
the throne (Documents 221–230)
- Greater Republic of Central America (Documents 317–320)
- Guatemala (Documents 321–329)
- The Central American Exposition (Documents 321–325)
- Withdrawal of exequatur of consular agent (Documents 326–327)
- Citizenship of Leon Aparicio (Documents 328–329)
- The Central American Exposition (Documents 321–325)
- Haiti (Documents 330–333)
- Right of consul to administer oaths and take testimony (Documents 330–331)
- Right to require passports of persons leaving the country. (Documents 332–333)
- Right of consul to administer oaths and take testimony (Documents 330–331)
- Hawaii (Documents 334–338)
- Death of Minister Albert S. Willis (Documents 334–338)
- Death of Minister Albert S. Willis (Documents 334–338)
- Honduras (Documents 339–340)
- Murder of Charles W. Renton (Documents 339–340)
- Murder of Charles W. Renton (Documents 339–340)
- Italy (Documents 341–359)
- Lynching of Italians at Hahnville, La (Documents 341–343)
- Meaning of “American System” as applied to clocks in the italian
tariff. (Documents 344–347)
- Removal of discriminating restrictions on american swine flesh. (Documents 348–359)
- Lynching of Italians at Hahnville, La (Documents 341–343)
- Japan (Documents 360–361)
- Boycott upon Japanese subjects in Butte, Mont (Document 360)
- Proposed monetary reform (Document 361)
- Boycott upon Japanese subjects in Butte, Mont (Document 360)
- Mexico (Documents 362–401)
- Arbitration of the claim of Charles Oberlander and Barbara
Messenger (Documents 362–379)
- Trespassing of Indians upon Mexican territory (Documents 380–385)
- Right of consuls to inquire respecting judicial proceedings against United
States citizens (Documents 386–389)
- Demarcation of boundary (Documents 390–392)
- Water Boundary Commission (Documents 393–395)
- Refusal of United States to Extradite Jesus Guerra. (Documents 396–401)
- Arbitration of the claim of Charles Oberlander and Barbara
Messenger (Documents 362–379)
- Nicaragua (Documents 402–414)
- Nicaragua Canal (Documents 402–404)
- Arbitration of the boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Documents 405–408)
- Concession to the Atlas Steamship Company (Documents 409–412)
- Protection of Chinese in Nicaragua and Salvador (Documents 413–414)
- Nicaragua Canal (Documents 402–404)
- Persia (Documents 415–421)
- Prohibition of the importation of books into Persia (Documents 415–418)
- Persecution of Jews (Documents 419–421)
- Prohibition of the importation of books into Persia (Documents 415–418)
- Portugal (Documents 422–425)
- Alleged insult to Portuguese flag (Documents 422–425)
- Alleged insult to Portuguese flag (Documents 422–425)
- Russia (Documents 426–437)
- Banishment of John Ginzberg (Documents 426–428)
- The Greek Church in Alaska (Document 429)
- Military service (Documents 430–431)
- Russian laws concerning expatriation. (Document 432)
- Exclusion of Jews (Documents 433–434)
- Status of Russian-born widow of foreigner in Russia (Document 435)
- Arrest of American sealers on Robben Island (Document 436)
- Release of Anton Yablkouski (Document 437)
- Banishment of John Ginzberg (Documents 426–428)
- Samoa (Documents 438–453)
- Correspondence with Germany (Documents 438–445)
- Preservation of records of land commission. (Documents 438–439)
- Temporary performance by consular board of duties of president of
municipal board. (Documents 440–443)
- Criminal jurisdiction over men-of-war’s men. (Documents 444–445)
- Preservation of records of land commission. (Documents 438–439)
- Correspondence with Great Britain (Documents 446–453)
- Performance of duties of chief justice by consular board. (Documents 446–448)
- Criminal jurisdiction over men-of-war’s men. (Documents 449–453)
- Performance of duties of chief justice by consular board. (Documents 446–448)
- Correspondence with Germany (Documents 438–445)
- Siam (Documents 454–476)
- Arbitration of the claim of M. A. Cheek against the Siamese
Government (Documents 454–475)
- Opportunities for the development of American trade in the East (Document 476)
- Arbitration of the claim of M. A. Cheek against the Siamese
Government (Documents 454–475)
- Spain (Documents 477–582)
- Arrest of citizens of the United States in Cuba (Documents 477–484)
- Prohibition of the exportation of leaf tobacco from Cuba (Documents 485–520)
- Inhibition of official communications of United States consuls (Documents 521–522)
- Firing on the American steamer Valencia (Documents 523–528)
- Condition of the reconcentrados in Cuba (Documents 529–538)
- Expropriation of property of united states citizens for military
purposes. (Documents 539–549)
- Sentence of Ferdinand Chaqueilo (Documents 550–554)
- Assassination of Señor Canovas del Castillo (Documents 555–557)
- Consular registration of American-owned property in Cuba (Documents 558–559)
- Violation of neutrality laws (Documents 560–580)
- Pacification of Cuba (Documents 581–582)
- Arrest of citizens of the United States in Cuba (Documents 477–484)
- Switzerland (Documents 583–592)
- Restrictions upon the importation of American meats (Documents 583–586)
- Rights of naturalized citizens of the United States of Swiss birth (Document 587)
- Military service—case of Frederick Arnold Schneider (Documents 588–592)
- Restrictions upon the importation of American meats (Documents 583–586)
- Turkey (Documents 593–619)
- Protection of missionaries (Documents 593–601)
- Consular immunity from arrest (Documents 602–604)
- Status of naturalized citizen returning to and residing indefinitely in
the country of his birth (Documents 605–606)
- Protection of Greeks in the employ of United States citizens (Documents 607–610)
- Right of naturalized citizens of Ottoman birth to hold real estate in
Turkey (Documents 611–616)
- Claims of United States citizens against Turkey (Documents 617–619)
- Protection of missionaries (Documents 593–601)
- Uruguay (Documents 620–621)
- “Protection papers” (Documents 620–621)
- “Protection papers” (Documents 620–621)
- Index