Mr. Sherman to Mr. Terrell.

No. 1362.]

Sir: I inclose herewith copies of the below-mentioned papers in the matter of the claim of Levon H. Seyranian, a citizen of the United States, against the Government of Turkey for the destruction of personal property in the village of Huseinig, amounting in value to the sum of $1,190.45.

Letter from T. Henry Dewey, of May 1, 1896, transmitting the memorial of Mr. Seyranian, dated April 25, 1896.
and 3. Nos. 77 and 79, of June 2 and July 8, 1896, respectively, from the consul of the United States at Sivas, reporting on the case.
Letter from T. Henry Dewey, of October 15, 1896, transmitting Mr. Seyranian’s supplementary memorial.
Letter from the same of March 19, 1897, transmitting affidavits in support of the claim.

You are instructed to present this claim to the Turkish Government.

Respectfully, yours,

John Sherman.