Mr. Sherman to Mr. Terrell.
Department of State,
Washington, March 22, 1897.
No. 1362.]Washington, March 22, 1897.
Sir: I inclose herewith copies of the below-mentioned papers in the matter of the claim of Levon H. Seyranian, a citizen of the United States, against the Government of Turkey for the destruction of personal property in the village of Huseinig, amounting in value to the sum of $1,190.45.
- 1.
- Letter from T. Henry Dewey, of May 1, 1896, transmitting the memorial of Mr. Seyranian, dated April 25, 1896.
- 2
- and 3. Nos. 77 and 79, of June 2 and July 8, 1896, respectively, from the consul of the United States at Sivas, reporting on the case.
- 4.
- Letter from T. Henry Dewey, of October 15, 1896, transmitting Mr. Seyranian’s supplementary memorial.
- 5.
- Letter from the same of March 19, 1897, transmitting affidavits in support of the claim.
You are instructed to present this claim to the Turkish Government.
Respectfully, yours,
John Sherman.