- Fostering of American interests in China (Documents 60–63)
- Prevention of antiforeign riots (Documents 64–70)
- Right of Americans to reside and engage in business in the restricted
parts of Soochow and Hangchow (Documents 71–75)
- Consular jurisdiction in China (Documents 76–77)
- Closing of Government examinations to converts to Christianity (Documents 78–79)
- Kutien riots—punishment of officials and indemnity to Miss Hartford (Documents 80–81)
- Adoption of rules for the prevention of collisions at sea. (Documents 82–84)
- Taxation of foreign trade in China (Documents 85–87)
- Protection of Chinese in Salvador and Nicaragua (Documents 88–93)
- Traveling in China (Documents 94–95)
- Kiang-yin riots—dismissal of Magistrate Liu Yao Kuang (Documents 96–100)
- Exhibition of passports by travelers in China (Documents 101–102)
- Right of missionaries to engage in secular work in the interior (Documents 103–104)
- Importation into China of machinery used for making counterfeit
money (Documents 105–108)
- Superstition in regard to the eclipse of the sun (Document 109)