Mr. Sherman to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

No. 686.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 18th ultimo, stating that the British Government was prepared to agree to a renewal of the arrangement made in 1894 for the sealing up by a duly authorized officer, on the application of the master, of the arms on board British sealing vessels engaged in killing seals in Bering Sea during the present season or upon such vessels when proceeding to port during the closed season.

[Page 292]

In reply, I desire to say that the Government of the United States consents that the provisions of the rules and regulations prescribed by the President under the act of Congress approved April 6, 1894, for the government of United States vessels employed in fur-seal fishing during the season of 1897 shall be extended for the remainder of the present season to British sealing vessels.

Although article 8 of the said regulations is not applicable to British sealing vessels, I respectfully suggest that Her Majesty’s Government be asked to require of said vessels the information under oath called for by form catalogue 204, copies of which I take pleasure in inclosing.

In case you are authorized to accept the terms of the regulations of 1897, copy of which I also inclose, I shall be glad to cause the slight changes that it will be necessary to make to the end that the regulations may be adapted to British sealing vessels.

Asking that the matter may be given immediate attention and that I be advised of the conclusion reached so that no unnecessary delay shall arise in arriving at an understanding alike desirable to both Governments,

I have, etc.,

John Sherman.