Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Olney.

No. 636.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 626 of February 1, concerning the cases pending on October 16, 1896, before the American consular court in Madagascar, I have to report that I am in receipt of a note from Mr. Hanotaux stating in reply to an inquiry from this embassy that the instructions of the minister of colonies to the French resident-general are to the effect that all facilities should be given to the consuls for settling the cases brought before their courts before the above-mentioned date of October 16, 1896.

I inclose herewith a copy and a translation of Mr. Hanotaux’s note.

I have, etc.,

Henry Vignaud.
[Inclosure in No. 636.—Translation.]

Mr. Hanotaux to Mr. Vignaud.

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: As I had the honor to inform you on the 30th of January last, I did not fail to communicate to the minister of the colonies the letter by which, on the 21st of the same month, you expressed the desire to know under what conditions the affairs which the consul of the United States at Tamatave had not been able to adjudge before the 16th of October, 1896, would be settled.

Mr. André Lebon has just made known to me that the instructions addressed by his department to the resident-general at Tananarive reserves to consuls the faculty of liquidating the affairs inscribed on the roll of their consular court prior to the date mentioned above.

Accept, etc.,

G. Hanotaux.