Foreign Relations volumes (35)
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 6, 1897
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1919, Volume II
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1921, Volume II
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1922, Volume II
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1925, Volume II
- Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1927, Volume III
- Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1929, Volume III
- Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1931, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1932, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1934, Europe, Near East and Africa, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1936, Europe, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1937, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East and Africa, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1938, The British Commonwealth, Europe, Near East, and Africa, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, General, The British Commonwealth and Europe, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1941, Europe, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1943, Europe, Volume II
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1944, Europe, Volume IV
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, The Conference of Berlin (The Potsdam Conference), 1945, Volume I
- Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1945, Europe, Volume V
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1946, Paris Peace Conference: Documents, Volume IV
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union, Volume IV
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union, Volume IV
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1949, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union, Volume V
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1950, Central and Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union, Volume IV
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Europe: Political and Economic Developments, Volume IV, Part 2
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, Eastern Europe; Soviet Union; Eastern Mediterranean, Volume VIII
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957, Eastern Europe, Volume XXV
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958–1960, Eastern Europe; Finland; Greece; Turkey, Volume X, Part 2
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XVI, Eastern Europe; Cyprus; Greece; Turkey
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964–1968, Volume XVII, Eastern Europe
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XXIX, Eastern Europe; Eastern Mediterranean, 1969–1972
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XL, Germany and Berlin, 1969–1972
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume E–15, Part 1, Documents on Eastern Europe, 1973–1976
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1977–1980, Volume XX, Eastern Europe
- Foreign Relations of the United States, 1981–1988, Volume X, Eastern Europe