Mr. Shannon to Mr.
Legation of the United states,
Costa Rica, Nicaragua
and Salvador,
Managua, January 18,
1893. (Received February 10.)
No. 279.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 270 of the 3d instant
relative to the final settlement of the Myers case, I have the honor
herewith to inclose a copy of my note of the 8th instant, replying to
the last note upon the subject received from his excellency the minister
for foreign affairs of Salvador, a copy of which was inclosed with my
No. 270.
So soon as the draft for the money has been received, it will be
forwarded to the Department by the first opportunity.
I have, etc.,
[Page 180]
[Inclosure in No. 279.]
Mr. Shannon to
Señor Morales.
Legation of the United States,
Managua, January 8, 1893.
Mr. Minister: I take the first opportunity
that offers upon my arrival at this capital to acknowledge receipt
of the courteous note of your excellency, of the 3d instant, which
your excellency was good enough personally to hand to me on the eve
of my departure from Santa Tecla for Acnjutla.
In this note your excellency confirms the statement I had made of our
joint agreement for the final settlement of the Myers case; sets
forth the views of the Government of Salvador regarding the matter,
and requests me to communicate the same to my Government.
In reply, I beg to assure your excellency that copies of all the
correspondence we have exchanged upon this subject will be promptly
forwarded to my Government; and it will be a pleasure for me to add
that in our several conferences, held for the discussion of this
question, I was always met by your excellency in the most cordial
and friendly spirit.
The result can only be regarded as a new proof of the sincere desire,
not only of your excellency’s Government, but of my own as well, to
preserve and develop those relations of friendship and respect that
should ever exist between two sister republics.
With renewed assurances of esteem and consideration,
I have, etc.,