Mr. Shannon to Mr. Foster.
Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Salvador,
Managua, January 19, 1893. (Received February 10.)
Sir: Dr. Alberto Lacayo, a native-born Nicaraguan, who was naturalized a citizen of the United States September 27, 1878, recently presented himself at this legation and requested that a passport be issued to him for the purpose of his protection.
I gave him the usual blank form to fill out, and at my request he prepared an additional statement showing, among other things, that he had filled the office of alcalde of Granada for about three months in 1890.
As will be seen from the printed form, which he has only partly filled out, he is unable to state that he is now “domiciled in the United States,” and that he has a permanent residence therein,” where he follows an occupation.
He further told me that he is now residing with his parents in the city of Granada, and proposes to remain with them so long as they live. After their death his purpose is to go to the United States and reside there permanently.
Besides his naturalization papers he exhibited two passports that had been issued to him by the Department of State in 1879 and 1886. But under the circumstances I have declined to issue to him a passport before laying the facts before the Department.
I beg, therefore, to respectfully submit his case to the Department, and to ask for instructions in the matter.
I have etc.,