Mr. Shannon to Mr. Foster.

No. 270.]

Sir: Referring again to your No. 111 of November 3, 1892, I have the honor to report that on the 19th ultimo, the day following my arrival at San Salvador, I had my first conversation with Dr. Sol, the under secretary of state for foreign affairs, in regard to the Myers case, [Page 177] and I was told that my last two notes on the subject had been translated, and were all ready for consideration by the new minister for foreign affairs as soon as he should enter upon his duties.

On the 21st ultimo I had a fuller conversation with Dr. Sol upon the subject, and he expressed himself as very desirous of seeing a prompt and final settlement of the question, declaring that so far as he was concerned everything would be done to facilitate that result. He then showed me a telegram from Dr. Morales, the new minister for foreign affairs, appointing the 24th ultimo for my conference with him at the foreign office. On that day, however, I did not have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Morales at the foreign office, as expected; but soon after my call he came to see me at my hotel.

I found him a most agreeable gentleman, full of pleasant reminiscences of his life at Washington two years ago, and recalling with much evident satisfaction the agreeable personal relations he then had with yourself.

It seems he had not yet entered formally upon his duties and so had not examined the papers in the Myers case; but he had already conversed with the President about the matter, and he proposed, as soon as possible, to give it his careful attention.

It was finally agreed that we should have another conference a few days later, thus allowing him the necessary time to go over the correspondence and consider the question.

On the 27th ultimo I received official notice that Dr. Morales had the day before entered upon his duties as minister for foreign affairs, and on the 28th ultimo we had our second conference, during which reference was made to the correspondence that had been carried on during the past year, and each expressed his views regarding the merits of the case.

Finally I made a suggestion as to the amount of indemnity, more or less, that would probably be acceptable to my Government. Dr. Morales then inquired if, in mentioning amounts, I meant “American gold,” and I replied that I did. He thereupon said he would at once confer with his excellency the President, and see me again the next day.

On the following day, the 29th, we met again, and while we were observing the troops at drill on the reviewing ground with the President and others, Dr. Morales informed me that he was authorized to offer me the sum of $2,500, United States gold, as a compensation in full and final settlement of the Myers claim. I at once accepted the offer.

Afterwards we had some conversation as to the form of the notes to be exchanged between us embodying the terms of the settlement.

On the 31st ultimo I received a note from Dr. Morales, under date of the 28th ultimo, in answer to my own note of the 26th of November to his predecessor, expressing entire willingness to personally confer with me whenever I desired upon the subject of the final settlement of the Myers claim.

I replied at once, and in the course of my note stated the result of our final conference, which had taken place two days before, and asked him to confirm my statement of the agreement reached, if found correct. This he did in a note of to-day’s date, and which he handed to me himself this evening when lie came to take leave of me. After I had read the note through, he remarked that as there had not been time to arrange for the draft before my departure, it would be sent to me by the following steamer.

[Page 178]

Copies of the correspondence exchanged upon this subject are herewith respectfully submitted.

It is now my intention to set out for the coast to-morrow morning and sail on the steamer of the 5th instant for Corinto. Unless I take that steamer I shall be delayed here till nearly the end of the month.

I have, etc.,

Richard Cutts Shannon.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 270.—Translation.]

Señor Morales to Mr. Shannon.

Mr. Minister: I have before me the courteous note addressed by your excellency to my predecessor, Dr. Don Salvador Galleges, under date of the 26th ultimo, in which, referring to the note of the latter, your excellency is good enough to communicate the view entertained by your Government regarding the unfortunate affair of the ex-consul, Mr. Myers, and particularly with regard to the mode of determining the amount of the indemnity under discussion, a view very different from that held by Señor Gallegos; and in conclusion your excellency expresses the confidence of your Government that a personal conference between your excellency and the minister for foreign affairs would lead to a prompt settlement of the matter satisfactory to both governments.

The undersigned will consider it an honor to personally confer with your excellency upon this subject, and gladly accepts the idea suggested. Judging by the conferences already held of a purely private character, as well as by the conversations in which the case of Mr. Myers has been casually referred to, the undersigned also believes it possible to come to a full agreement with your excellency regarding a final settlement of the matter that will be satisfactory to both governments.

It is for this reason that the undersigned abstains from entering upon any examination of the views which your excellency has been good enough to express, in the name of your Government, relative to the various phases of the question, feeling sure that this can be more easily done in the proposed conferences.

The undersigned will have the honor to receive your excellency in this ministry whenever disposed to appear, and in conclusion begs to renew to your excellency the assurances, etc.

Manuel I. Morales.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 270.]

Mr. Shannon to Señor Morales.

Mr. Minister. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this day of the courteous note of your excellency of the 28th instant, in which reference is made to the several informal conversations we have already had relative to the claim for damages in the case of Henry R. Myers, late consul of the United States at this capital, and in which note your excellency also kindly expresses a willingness to confer still further with me upon the subject in the hope of reaching a settlement of the question that will be mutually satisfactory to both governments.

The conference which we held on the 29th instant finally resulted in the agreement that your excellency, on behalf of the Government of Salvador, should pay to the Government of the United States the sum of $2,500, American gold, and that I, on behalf of the Government of the United States, should accept that sum as a compensation in full, for the loss and destruction of the property of the U. S. Government, and of the private property of its consul, Mr. Henry R. Myers, as well as for the personal sufferings experienced by the latter during the events of July, 1890, when the U. S. consulate at San Salvador was occupied by the military forces of the Provisional Government.

Respectfully asking that your excellency will be good enough to confirm this statement of our agreement, if found correct, I beg again to renew the assurances, etc.

Richard Cutts Shannon.
[Page 179]
Inclosure 3 in No. 270.—Translation.]

Señor Morales to Mr. Shannon.

Mr. Minister: The courteous note which your excellency was good enough to send me on the 31st ultimo, in reply to my own note of the 28th ultimo, has been received at this ministry.

In that note your excellency states the terms of the settlement in the case of the ex-consul of the United States, Mr. Henry Myers, as finally agreed to in our conference of the 29th ultimo, and which were as follows: The undersigned, in the name of the Government of Salvador, to pay to the Government of the United States the sum of $2,500, American gold; and your excellency, on behalf of the Government of the United States, to accept that sum as a full compensation for the property destroyed, whether belonging to the Government of the United States or the private property of Mr. Myers, as well as for the personal sufferings alleged to have been experienced by the latter during the events of July, 1890, when the consulate of the United States at San Salvador was occupied by the military forces of the Provisional Government.

In obedience to instructions received from my Government, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the agreement reached in our conference on the 29th ultimo, and formulated as above in the communication to which this note is a reply, has been accepted by the Government of Salvador, which is gratified to see the end of this unfortunate affair.

It is my duty, however, in obedience to those same instructions, to declare, as I have already verbally stated to your excellency in our conference above referred to, that by this agreement my Government does not intend to establish a precedent in favor of the Government of your excellency, nor of any other; nor to abandon the ground maintained by my predecessor, the Hon. Señor Gallegos, during the discussion; but that your excellency is to consider it as a new proof which Salvador is pleased to give to the United States of that spirit of cordial friendship by which it is animated in all matters that can affect the maintenance and development of the good relations existing between both countries.

The undersigned takes the liberty of hoping that your excellency will be good enough to so communicate it to your Government, and at the same time begs to inform your excellency that a draft will be promply remitted for the amount mentioned in favor of the honorable Secretary of State of the United States. The undersigned has already communicated with his colleague, the Secretary of the Treasury, who will make the necessary financial arrangements to carry into effect the result of this negotiation.

It only remains for me to express to your excellency my best wishes for the new year, and to again renew, etc.

Manuel I. Morales.