Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 2.]

Sir: I herewith acknowledge receipt of cablegram dated Washington, July 19:

Adams, Minister, Rio:

Convey to minister for foreign affairs congratulations of the President to the Emperor on his escape from the assassin’s bullet.


In pursuance of above instructions, I called personally on the morning of 22d instant on the minister and secretary for foreign affairs, and in his absence left a note, a copy of which is herein inclosed. I would state that I should have previously called, with the other ministers, to offer congratulations, but I had not at the time presented my credentials.

I am, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Page 59]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 2.]

Mr. Adams to Mr. Diana.

Sir: I am instructed by cable by my Government to convey through your excellency to His Majesty the Emperor the warm congratulations of the President of the United States on the escape of His Majesty from the assassin’s bullet.

I avail, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.