Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine.

No. 4.]

Sir: I here with inclose a copy—translation—of the reply to my letter of July 22 to the minister and secretary of foreign affairs, conveying the congratulations of the President to His Majesty Dom Pedro II on his escape from assassination.

I am, etc.,

Robert Adams, Jr.
[Inclosure in No. 4.—Translation.]

Mr. Diana to Mr. Adams.

Sir: I have had the honor of receiving the note which Mr. Robert Adams, jr., envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, was pleased to address me on the 22d instant, informing me of a telegram in which His Excellency the President of the said States congratulates His Majesty the Emperor on his escape from the attempt on his life on the 15th instant. As soon as His Majesty returns from Minas, I shall hasten to apprise him of this congratulation.

I avail, etc.,

J. Francisca Diana.