No. 81.
Mr. Ibsen to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, May 21, 1888. (Received May 22.)
Sir: In a note dated October 15, 1887, the United States minister resident at Stockholm informed his excellency the minister of foreign affairs of the desire of the Government of the United States to come to an understanding with the Royal Government in regard to the total exemption of the vessels of the respective countries from all tonnage and lighthouse dues or any other taxes for official services being at present imposed on navigation with the United States.
The matter having been referred to the consideration of the royal board of trade, that department has requested me to procure a list specifying (1) all dues of any kind levied on Swedish vessels in American ports; (2) the amounts of such dues.
On account hereof I beg to recur to your usual courtesy and to ask that you will kindly enable me to comply with the request of the royal board of trade.
I avail, etc.,