No. 5.
Sir L. S. Sackville
West to Mr. Bayard.
Sir: Referring to your note of the 12th instant [ultimo?] on the subject of the seizure of British vessels in the Bering Sea, and promising to convey to me as soon as possible the facts as ascertained in the trial and the rulings of law as applied by the court, I have the honor to state that vessels are now, as usual, equipping in British Columbia for fishing in that sea. The Canadian Government, therefore, in the absence ot information, are desirous ot ascertaining whether such vessels fishing in the open sea and beyond the territorial waters of Alaska would be exposed to seizure, and Her Majesty’s Government at the same time would be glad if some assurance would be given that, pending the settlement of the question, no such seizures of British vessels will be made in Bering Sea.
I have, etc.,