No. 915.
Mr. Pratt
to Mr. Bayard.
Teheran, June 23, 1888. (Received August 1.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that I have just been informed by his excellency the Emin é Soultan, minister of the palace, that his excellency Hadji Hossein Kouli Khan Motamed-el Vésaré, the newly appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from Persia to the United States, expects to leave here with his suite for Washington in about seventeen days, via Constantinople, Paris, Havre, and New York, and that it is the Shah’s special desire that I request my Government, on being notified by cable of the envoy’s departure from Havre, to arrange to send one of its steamers to meet the packet bearing him, so that he may be taken into port on a ship of the United States and receive a salute from the forts on entering.
Considering that His Majesty has on each occasion sent forward a special deputy with escort to meet American ministers arriving in Persia, and shown them in addition all military honors, I trust that there will be no difficulty in the way of extending in return the courtesy requested in the present instance.
I am, etc.,