No. 711.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston.
Washington, December 1, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt this morning of your note of the 30th ultimo, informing me of the advices you have received from the Haytian authorities you represent to the effect that the United States minister at Port au Prince had been requested to make known to his Government that the case of the steamer Haytian Republic had been referred to the Government of the United States.
Mr. Thompson’s dispatch reporting this circumstance was received yesterday, and I was thus enabled to anticipate the request you now make, to be informed of the opinion of this Government in the matter of the Haytian Republic, by addressing you my note of the 28th ultimo on the subject.
The desires you express in the note which I now have the honor to acknowledge, for a speedy termination of the matter in view of the deferential submission thereof to this Government, which you announce and confirm, lead me to look for your prompt acquiescence in the conclusions which this Government has been constrained to reach, and to confidently regard this question as virtually settled.
Accept, sir, the renewed assurance of my highest consideration.