No. 703.
Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard.


Mr. Secretary of State:

I have the honor to transmit to you, herewith inclosed, a copy and the original of the letter of General Légitime to his excellency the President of the United States, informing him of his elevation to the high charge of chief of the executive power of the Republic of Hayti.

Praying you to transmit the aforesaid letter to its high destination, I have the honor to offer to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the renewed assurances, etc.,

Stephen Preston.

F. D. Légitime, Chief of the executive power of the Republic of Hayti, to his excellency the President of the Republic of the United States of America.

Great and Good Friend: Chosen by the vote of the National Constituent Assembly, in its session of the 16th of October instant, to the high post of chief of the executive power of the Republic, I entered on the 17th upon the performance of the charge which has been intrusted to me.

In bringing this event to your excellency’s knowledge, I am happy to give you the assurance that I shall make constant efforts to maintain and fortify still more the relations of cordial amity existing between Hayti and the United States of America. With satisfaction I embrace this occasion to testify to your excellency my high esteem and my perfect friendship, and to express to you my wishes for your happiness and the prosperity of the American Nation.

I am, great and good friend, your excellency’s sincere friend,

F. D. Légitime.