No. 694.
Mr. Adee to Mr. Preston.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose copies of two letters, one from the Secretary of State to Mr. Alexander Porter Morse, of the 7th instant, and the latter’s reply thereto, of the 8th instant, in which his acceptance of the position of referee in the case of Van Bokkelen is signified.

Accompanying Mr. Morse’s letter is the formal declaration signed by him, in accordance with your suggestion, that he will impartially and carefully examine and decide the case submitted to him in good faith, to the best of his judgment, and conformably to the principles of law applicable thereto.

As this declaration, which was signed yesterday, the 8th of June, 1888, marks the assumption by Mr. Morse of the office of referee and the completion of his appointment as such, I have the honor to suggest that, in acknowledging the receipt of this note, the date above specified be accepted as the date of the appointment, in order to preclude any uncertainty or difference of opinion on any part hereafter in regard to this point.

Accept, etc.,

Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
[Inolosure 1.]

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Morse.

Sir: An agreement Having been signed by me, as Secretary of State and representative of the Government of the United States, and by the minister of Hayti, as the representative of his Government, on the 24th day of May, to submit the claim of Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, a citizen of the United States, against the Government of Hayti, to the decision of a referee, to be chosen by the parties to the protocol, I have the pleasure to inform you that both parties have agreed on the selection of yourself as referee.

Inclosed herewith is a copy of the protocol for your examination, and should you accept the position as indicated, your formal notification may be given by making a declaration in writing in the usual form that you will decide the case submitted in good faith, with impartiality, and conformably to the principles of law applicable thereto.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.
[Page 986]
[Inclosure 2.]

Protocol of an agreement between the Secretary of State of the United States and the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Hayti for submission to an arbitrator of the claim of Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, signed May 24, 1888.

The United States of America and the Republic of Hayti, being mutually desirous of maintaining the good relations that have so long subsisted between them and of removing, for that purpose, all causes of difference, their respective representatives, that is to say: Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State of the United States, and Stephen Preston. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Hayti, have agreed upon and signed the following protocol: Les États-Unis d’Amérique et la République d’Haïti étantégalement désireux de maintenir les bonnes relations qui ont si longtemps existé entre eux, et pour cette raison, d’écarter toutes les causes de différend, leurs représntants respectifs, à savoir, Thomas F. Bayard, Secrétaire d’Etat des États-Unis, et Stephen Preston, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire dela République d’Haïti, se sont mis d’aceord et ont signé le protocole suivant:
1. It having been claimed on the part of the United States that the imprisonment of Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, a citizen of the United States, in Hayti, was in derogation of the rights to which he was entitled as a citizen of the United States under the treaties between the United States and Hayti, which the Government of the latter country denies, it is agreed that the questions raised in the correspondence between the two Governments in regard to the imprisonment of the said Van Bokkelen shall he referred to the decision of a person to he agreed upon by the Secretary of State of the United States and the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Havti. 1. Comme il a été soutenu de la part des États-Unis que l’emprisonnement de Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, citoyen des États-Unis, en Haïti, a eu lieu en dérogation des droits qui lui appartenaients comme citoyen desfitats-Unis, d’aprés les traités entre les États-Unis et Haïti, ce qui nie le Gouvernement du dernier État, il est convenu que les questions soulvées dans la correspondance entre les deux Gouvernements au sujet de l’emprisonnement du dit Van Bokkelen, seront référées à la décision d’une personne qui sera désignée par le Secrétaire d’État des États-Unis et l’Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire d’Haïti.
2. The referee so chosen shall decide the case upon such papers as may be presented to him by the Secretary of State of the United States and the Minister of Hayti respectively, within two months a ter the date of his appointment; but he shall not take into consideration any question not raised in the correspondence between the two Governments prior to the date of the signature of this protocol. 2. L’Arbitre ainsi choisi, décidera sur telles pièces qui peuvent être produites devant lui par le Secrétaire d’État des États-Unis et le Ministre d’Haïti, respectivement, dans les deux mois qui suivront la date de sa nomination; mais il ne prendra en considération aucune question qui n’a pas éré soulevée dans la correspondance entre les deux Gouvernements, antérieure à la date de la signature de ce protocole.
3. Each Government shall submit with the papers presented by it a brief of argument, and should the referee so desire, he may require further argument, oral or written, to be made within five months from the date of his appointment. He shall render his decision within six months from said date. 3. Chaque Gouvernement soumettra avec les documents présentés par lui, un mémoire à l’appui, et si l’arbitre le désire, il pourra demander d’autres plaidoiries, orales ou écrites, qui devront être faites dans les cinq mois qui suivront la date de sa nomination. Ilrendra sa décision dans les six mois suivant la dite date.
4. A reasonable fee to the Referee shall he paid by the Government of Hayti. 4. Des honoraires raisonnables, seront payés par le Gouvernement d’Haïti à l’Arbitre.
5. Any award made shall he final and conclusive, and, if in favor of the claimant, shall he paid by the Government of Hayti within twelve (12) months of the date of such award. 5. Toute sentence arhitrale rendue, sera finale et concluante; et, si elle est en faveur du réclamant, le montant sera payé par le Gouvernement d’Haïti, dans les douze (12) mois qui suivront la date de cette sentence.
Done in duplicate, at Washington, this 24th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. Fait, en double expédition, à Washington ce 24 jour de Mai mil huit centquatrevingt-huit.
  • T. F. Bayard. [seal.]
  • Stephen Preston. [seal.]
[Page 987]
[Inclosure 3.]

Mr. Morse to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication dated June 7, advising me that I had been selected as referee under a protocol between the United States of America and the Republic of Hayti, to decide the claim of Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, a citizen of the United States, against the Government of Hayti.

I have also a copy of the protocol in pursuance of which the case is proposed to be submitted.

I accept the position indicated, and in accordance with your suggestion I inclose my declaration in the usual form.

I am, etc.,

Alex. Porter Morse.

I, the undersigned referee, appointed in pursuance of a protocol, dated the 24th day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, between the United States of America and the Republic of Hayti, for the settlement of the claim of Charles Adrien Van Bokkelen, a citizen of the United States, against the Government of Hayti, solemnly declare that I will impartially and carefully examine and decide the case submitted to me in good faith, to the best of my judgment, and conformably to the principles of law applicable thereto.

In witness whereof I have, this eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, made and subscribed this my solemn declaration.

Alexander Porter Morse.