No. 61.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Jarvis.
Washington, June 13, 1888.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 129, of the 14th ultimo, communicating the text of the Imperial decree of the 13th May, proclaiming the law of the same date for the total abolition of slavery in Brazil.
This gratifying information was communicated to me directly by his excellency, Rodrigo Silva, minister of foreign affairs of Brazil, in telegram [Page 74] received here on the 16th ultimo, which, translated, reads as follows:
The bill abolishing slavery has passed parliament, and was approved by the Princess Regent on the 13th. Great manifestations of joy.
The intelligence was received by the President with the utmost satisfaction, and a reply was immediately sent to his excellency by Acting Secretary Rives, in the following terms:
President directs me to convey to your Government his congratulations upon abolition of slavery in Brazil, and to express his personal hope and expectation that freedom thus extended will result in increased happiness and prosperity of your country.
This noble act, whereby Brazil has ranged herself in the now almost universal category of free nations, can not but have the earnest sympathy and call forth the warmest applause of all those who believe that good government among men is based upon liberty and equal rights of man; and it is especially gratifying to learn from your dispatch that every indication of public sentiment in the Empire is in hearty accord with this action of the general assembly, and that the popular mind having been well prepared for the change to take place in the labor system of the country, it is not apprehended that any economic disturbance will ensue.
I am, etc.,