No. 546.
Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose to you herewith copy of a letter which I have received from the clerk of the Darlington Poor-Law Union, requesting the consent of the United States Government, under the circumstances therein mentioned, to the immigration of the family of one Anthony Gallagher, resident at Natrona, Allegheny County, Pa., and I trust that you will see fit to recommend this request to the favorable consideration of the competent authorities.

I have, etc.,

L. S. Sackville West.

Mr. Hodgson to Sir L. S. Sackville West.

Sir: I am directed by the guardians of this union to inform you that they have applied to the local government board for their consent to the guardians assisting Bridget Gallagher, aged forty-one; Mary Gallagher, aged thirteen; Catherine Gallagher, [Page 774] aged eleven; Agnes Gallagher, aged nine; Joseph Gallagher, aged seven; Antony Gallagher, aged five; Julia Gallagher, aged three, and James Gallagher, aged two, to Natrona, Allegheny County, Pa., where the husband of the said Bridget Gallagher and the father of the others above named resides. The board replied that they would sanction the proposal providing the consent of the United States Government was obtained. The guardians thereupon communicated with the United States minister in London, and were referred by him to your excellency.

Anthony Gallagher, the husband of the said Bridget Gallagher, is very anxious that this family should join him, and he is well able to maintain them on arrival. The said Anthony Gallagher has sent £10 towards the cost of his family’s emigration, but that sum is insufficient, and unless the guardians are empowered to assist Mrs. Gallagher it will be some considerable time before they can be sent out.

The guardians therefore respectfully request that you will endeavor to obtain the consent of the United States Government to their proposal.

I have, etc.,

W. Hodgson.