No. 535.
Mr. Phelps
to Mr. Bayard.
London, September 11, 1888. (Received September 22.)
Sir: It is with very great gratification that I inclose the copy of a letter which I have just received from the foreign office with respect to Messrs. Taylor and Armistead, graduates of the United States Naval Academy [Page 745] and for the past three years private students of marine engineering at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.*
You will observe that in the recent final examination Mr. Taylor obtained the first place, with a total of 8,234 marks, an amount that has only once been exceeded; and he was awarded a professional certificate of the first class, besides being highly commended by the director of studies.
Mr. Armistead obtained the fifth place in the same examination and was awarded a professional certificate of the second class.
I have, etc.,
- For conditions regulating the admission of students to the Royal Naval College at Greenwich, see Mr. Welsh’s No. 257 to the Department, F. R., 1879, pp. 472–8.↩