No. 535.
Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard.

No. 823.]

Sir: It is with very great gratification that I inclose the copy of a letter which I have just received from the foreign office with respect to Messrs. Taylor and Armistead, graduates of the United States Naval Academy [Page 745] and for the past three years private students of marine engineering at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich.*

You will observe that in the recent final examination Mr. Taylor obtained the first place, with a total of 8,234 marks, an amount that has only once been exceeded; and he was awarded a professional certificate of the first class, besides being highly commended by the director of studies.

Mr. Armistead obtained the fifth place in the same examination and was awarded a professional certificate of the second class.

I have, etc.,

E. J. Phelps.
[Inclosure in No. 823.]

Sir T. V. Lister to Mr. Phelps.

Sir: With reference to my letter of the 15th October, 1885, on the subject of the admission of two graduates of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis as private students of marine engineering at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, I have the honor to inform you that I have received a communication from the lords commissioners of the admiralty with regard to the places obtained by those gentlemen in the final examination of students of marine engineering and private students at the college in July last.

Their lordships state that Mr. Taylor obtained the first place in that examination and was awarded a professional certificate of the first class, with a total of 8,234 marks, an amount that has only once been exceeded in this examination, and that the director of studies reports that “Mr. Taylor has great natural ability, and has worked very steadily throughout his three years’ course.”

With regard to Mr. Armistead, the lords commissioners have informed me that he obtained the fifth place in the same examination, and was awarded a professional certificate of the second class.

I have, etc.,

T. V. Lister.

(For the Marquis of Salisbury.)
  1. For conditions regulating the admission of students to the Royal Naval College at Greenwich, see Mr. Welsh’s No. 257 to the Department, F. R., 1879, pp. 4728.