No. 506.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Phelps.
of State,
Washington, February 3,
No. 780.]
Sir: I inclose herewith, for the files of your
legation, copies of the telegraphic correspondence which has taken place to
date, relative to fishing vessels in Halifax, about which I telegraphed to
you on the 31st ultimo.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Phelan to Mr.
Halifax, January 30,
Two fishermen in port. Telegraphed Mr. Bo well, Ottawa, as follows:
“American fisherman in port for repairs. Can he sell fresh fish on hoard
to prevent loss?—Phelan.”
Reply: “Mr. Phelan: Selling fish in Canadian market by American fishermen
would be a violation of treaty rights and British legislation
thereon.—M. Bowell.”
Fish must be thrown overboard.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 780.]
Mr. Rives to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, February 1,
In regard to the cases at Halifax, reported Monday by you, has any thing
further been decided? Telegraph answer.
[Page 697]
[Inclosure 3 in No.
Mr. Phelan to Mr.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 1, 1888.
Since my last telegram there has been no change. Vessels are not
permitted to go on dock. Every one condemns the refusal to allow us to
land or sell fresh fish. Permission to cure, but not sell or land the
fish, has just been granted.
[Inclosure 4 in No.
Mr. Phelan to Mr.
Halifax, February 2,
Permission granted to sell fish upon payment of duty.