No. 501.
Mr. Phelps
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
London, December 17, 1887.
(Received December 28.)
No. 643.]
Sir: Referring to your instruction numbered 727 of
the 17th November, I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of the note
which I received on the 10th instant from the foreign office stating that
the secretary of this legation had been authorized by you to attend the
International Conference now sitting in London on the sugar bounties
In accordance with the instructions contained in a telegram received from
you, received 10th instant, Mr. White, the secretary of this legation, has
attended the three sittings of the conference which have been held this
week. He has, however, taken no part in its discussions, and I inclose
herewith the copy of the note which I addressed to the Marquis of Salisbury,
defining the conditions upon which Mr. White had been authorized “to attend
in behalf of the United States, and a copy of his reply.
The conference will adjourn on the 19th instant for two or three months in
order to enable the delegates of the various countries officially
represented to submit to their Governments the conclusions at which they
have arrived.
Mr. White will send you his report of the proceedings and conclusions of the
conference as soon as possible after its adjournment.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 643.]
Sir James Fergusson
to Mr. Phelps.
Office, December 9,
Sir: Her Majesty’s minister at Washington has
informed me that the United States Government have been good enough to
accede to the request of Her Majesty’s Government, that the United
States should take part in the sugar conference now sitting in London,
and Sir Lionel West has been given to understand that the first
secretary of your legation will attend the conference informally.
I beg leave to state that the next meeting will take place at this office
on Monday at 2 p.m. and to say that if you will make known to me the
name of the gentleman who has been designated to attend, he will receive
a formal invitation from Baron Henry de Worms, the president of the
conference, and will be supplied, for his confidential information, with
the minutes of the previous sittings.
I have, etc.,
(For the Marquis of
[Inclosure 2 in No. 643.]
Mr. Phelps to the
Marquis of Salisbury.
Legation of the United States,
London, December 12,
My Lord: With reference to your note of 9th
instant, I have the honor to acquaint your lordship that Mr. Henry
White, the first secretary of this legation, has been authorized by my
Government to attend the sugar conference now sitting here, in a
[Page 688]
friendly way, to listen and
report upon its proceedings, without, however, committing the United
States to participation in its deliberations or conclusions.
In accordance with the intimation contained in your note, Mr. White will
attend the meeting of the conference to day at 2 o’clock, even should
the formal invitation referred to from Baron Henry de Worms not reach
him before that hour.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 3 in No. 643.]
Sir T. V. Lister to
Mr. Phelps.
Office, December 16,
Sir: I have the honor to thank you for your
letter of the 12th instant, informing me that Mr. Henry White, first
secretary of the United States legation at this court, has been
authorized by the United States Government to attend the sugar
conference in a friendly way.
I have, etc.,
T. V.
(For the Marquis of