No. 497.
Mr. Bayard to Count Arco.

Sir: Referring co my note of the 7th instant, in which I returned to you certain documents (left by you with me informally for my consideration), relative to the subject of the validity of marriages in China between Chinese subjects and foreigners, I now have the honor to inclose herewith a memorandum, which embodies the views of the Department in relation to the matter.

Accept, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.
[Page 684]


By the common law of Christendom, brought with them to this country by its European colonists and built upon as the basis of its political institutions, it is essential to marriage that it should be a “voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others and it is by such marriages alone that the family is constituted as an integer of the State. Such being the case, it is not within the province of this Department to admit extraterritorial validity for any foreign legislation which does not give a similar definition, and make such exclusiveness an essential element of marriage.

The Department, therefore, can not regard the status of citizens of the United States, though resident in China, as in any way affected by such legislation; and if by the Chinese law controlling marriage such exclusiveness, as it is generally understood, is not imposed, this Department can not take any steps towards recognizing as marriages such sexual unions as are based on such polygamous law. At the same time the Department will interpose no objection to police regulations requiring notice to Chinese authorities of all consensual marriages in China of citizens of the United States.

It is proper to add that the matrimonial status of a person who is a citizen of and domiciled in a particular State of the American Union is determinable by the law of such State and not by the laws of the Federal Government of the United States.