No. 474.
Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard.

No. 675.]

Sir: Referring to the legation’s dispatch No. 656, of August 13 last, to your instruction No. 355, of August 27 last, and to previous correspondence relating to certain taxes imposed on Mr. Samuel R. Honey, at Frankfort-on-the-Main, I have the honor to state that the foreign office has informed this legation, under date of the 3d instant, that the mayor of that city has adopted the views of the Prussian minister of finance with respect to the State income-tax heretofore imposed on Mr. Honey, and that consequently the assessment of the communal income-tax against that gentleman has also been discontinued, and the return to him of amounts already paid thereunder directed.

In the dispatch of the legation above referred to, you were informed that similar action by the authorities had been taken with respect to the State income tax which had been imposed in this case, and in your instruction above particularly mentioned, you stated that you awaited with interest further information as to the “communal” tax.

Information as to the favorable decision in his case regarding the last named tax has also been transmitted to Mr. Honey by this legation.

I have the honor, etc.,

Chapman Coleman,
For the Minister.