No. 425.
Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard.

No. 526.]

Sir: I send you herewith the originals and translations of two clippings.

One from the Berliner Tageblatt, copying from a Sydney journal, stating the force of the German fleet in the Australian waters.

One from the semi-official Nord-Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitttng, giving the version of the foreign office here of the late transactions in Samoa.

I have, etc.,

Geo. H. Pendleton.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 71—Berliner Tageblatt, October 23, 1887.—Translation.]

On the occasion of the attack of the German fleet on Samoa, about the end of August, the Sydney Morning Herald published the following observations, which are worthy of consideration:

“It has not escaped observers that the Germans support an uncommonly strong fleet in the Australian waters—a fleet which bears no proportion to the interests which they have to protect—and even if one believes that they will not at present attempt to oppose the wishes of England in reference to the scheme of South Sea annexation, nevertheless the fact that they are represented with such a force must occupy the attention not otherwise than very seriously of all interested parties. Taken ship for ship, they surpass the English fleet in these waters, and control a greater number of men. The Nelson, our strongest ship, has a speed of about 14 knots, and is partially armored. In the Bismarck, Olga, Carola, and Sophie, the Germans possess a quartette which can reach a speed of 13 to 14 knots, and is armed with modern Krupp’s breech-loaders. All the ships of the royal navy which are here, with the exception of the Rapid, carry old-fashioned muzzle-loaders, and not a single one of them could contend with the Germans under even tolerably equal conditions. Besides the ships already named the Germans have in these waters also the corvette Adler and the gun-boat Albatross, so that their force consists of six ships, which carry about 52 guns and 2,000 men.”

[Inclosure 2 in No. 71. Nord-Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, October 23, 1887.]

The New York Herald of the 10th instant published an original letter from Apia, dated 1st September of this year, which, calculating on the necessity for sensational news on the part of the American public, puts forth untrue statements about the pretended excesses of the German marines in Apia.

The correspondent, who without doubt is a sympathizer with the former consular officer of German extraction, removed by the American Government because of his odious conduct, indulges in anti-German inventions, which are in part malicious and in part silly. His statements of the German occupation of Samoa show of themselves to every one acquainted with the model description of the imperial merine, that they are the agreeable distortions and products of a fancy excited by the descriptions of the Indian battles in America. The conduct of the German troops landed in Apia has, in fact, given in nowise cause of complaint, and all the individual instances of outrages and threats against the inhabitants of Apia related by the American reporter [Page 578] are idle inventions. According to the reports which have reached here from Apia of those proceedings, the facts are simply these:

On the 24th of August last, only the neighborhood of the government building in Mulinuu was taken into military possession, after the landing of the detachment of German marines, in consequence of the refusal of Malietoa to afford the satisfaction demanded. In order to insure the protection of the white inhabitants and foreign property, a guard was transferred to Apia and stationed on the property of the German hospital. Every injury to the foreigners or to the peaceably-disposed natives was carefully avoided. As no disturbance occurred among the populace, the guard which had been at first stationed before the government building was removed on the 25th of August. A further occupation of Samoan territory has not taken place. In the town of Apia trade was suspended partially only for an hour immediately after landing.

When the correspondent of the American journal undertakes to prophesy of the future that the condition of things in Samoa will continue to be threatening and the outbreak of a “fierce and bloody war” is probable, these groundless predictions found a settlement in the surrender of Malietoa without bloodshed and without violence, and the recognition of Tamasese as King on the part of all the influential chiefs.

Besides, it can be concluded, with satisfaction, from all the discussions of the American press over the proceedings in Samoa, that it is on all sides recognized that not the least occasion exists for an intervention by the United States, since the Imperial Government voluntarily declared that it desired scrupulously to observe all the treaty rights of America in the Samoan Islands.