No. 417.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Roustan.
Washington, December 24, 1887.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 20th instant, in which, by direction of your Government, you inform the Government of the United States that Mr. Jules Grevy having resigned, the senate and chamber of deputies, in national assembly at Versailles, on the 3d instant, elected and proclaimed Mr. Carnot as President of the French Republic.
The peculiarily friendly relations which have so long subsisted between our two countries have caused the progress of the French Republic to be watched with special interest and satisfaction by the Government and people of the United States. And the resolution, to which your note gives expression, of the new President and his cabinet to maintain the good relations between the Government of the Republic and foreign powers, and thus contribute to the assurance of peace, serves only to confirm and make more confident the cordial wishes of this Government for the peaceful development and prosperity of France.
Accept, sir, etc.,