No. 327.
Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard.
Copenhagen, December 9, 1887. (Received December 9, 1887.)
Secretary of State, Washington:
Two suspicious persons, traveling under assumed names, were arrested in Copenhagen yesterday; there was strong suspicion that one was John A. Benson, late survey contractor, California, indicted by the United States for conspiracy and fraud, and the other an accomplice; the one admits his identity, and papers found in their possession confirm his identity completely. The two may have exchanged names, but one of them is certainly John A. Benson—the other claims to be Benson’s brother. The Danish Government is willing to deliver them to the United States if you instruct me to demand it; if you state that Benson and his accomplice are American citizens; if you state that Benson is under criminal indictment, name the crime, and if the proper court has issued or will issue and cause sent to me order of arrest. If thus desired Denmark will transport the two men to America in charge of a policeman at the expense of the United States. Answer at once, as Benson and his accomplice are in jail until I hear from you.