No. 312.
Mr. Rives to Señor Bon Pedro Perez
Washington, January 16, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you* that the President, having consented to act as arbitrator of the questions between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, presented under the convention of arbitration signed by the plenipotentiaries of these republics at Guatemala City on the 24th day of December, 1886, and having received within the periods named in the said convention the respective arguments of the parties to the arbitration, which have been duly communicated to the opposing parties as required by said convention, and further, the respective replies of each of the parties to the arguments of the other, has been pleased, under the power conferred upon him by the last paragraph of the fifth article of said convention by an act dated the 16th instant, a copy of which I have the honor to inclose herewith for your information, to delegate his powers as arbitrator aforesaid to me, to the end that the fullest examination of the point or points in dispute between the Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua shall be made to enable the arbitrator to reach a just and equitable conclusion in the premises and pronounce a final decision or award thereon.
Accept, etc.,
- A similar note was addressed to the minister of Nicaragua.↩