No. 271.
Mr. Maury
to Mr. Bayard.
Bogotá, December 25, 1887. (Received January 30, 1888).
Sir: In reference to the subject of my letter to you, No. 67, December 19th, instant, I have the honor to inform you that I laid the matter before the minister of foreign affairs in a written communication of the points I raised against the claim of the Panama Railway Company to exclusive telegraphic rights on the Isthmus. He listened to us attentively, and replied that as the subject was new to him it would take a few days to familiarize himself with it, after which he would lay it before President Payan, and would let me know as soon as possible what action the Government would take in regard to it.
Last evening Señor Holguin, the minister of foreign affairs; kindly called at my residence and informed me that his Government had decided that the railway company held no exclusive telegraphic rights across the Isthmus, and further, that to avoid any possible conflict of private interests it had decided to construct and own the line, and that General Posada, governor of Panama, had been ordered to proceed at once with the work. This communication was verbal only, but as soon as I receive it in writing I shall forward you a copy.
I am, sir, etc.,