No. 222.
Mr. Denby
to Mr. Bayard.
Peking, July 20, 1888. (Received August 29.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that negotiations are pending here for the extension of the China railway from Tientsin to Tung-chow, a place about 14 miles from this, on the terminus of the Peiho River. The line from the Kai Ping mines to Tien-Tsin is nearly completed, and the directors are very anxious to extend the company’s operations in the direction of the capital.
It is rumored that there is some opposition in official circles against the project, but it is believed that the negotiations will be pushed to a favorable result on the arrival of the newly appointed provincial judge of Chihli (who is interested in the company) for audience of the emperor.
I understand that the proposed line has been surveyed by competent engineers, and it is only necessary to get the sanction of the emperor, when work will be commenced and pushed on with energy.
I have, etc.,