No. 128.
Mr. Hall
to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States in Central America,
Guatemala, November 7, 1888.
(Received December 7.)
No. 883.]
Sir: In continuation of my dispatch No. 871, of the
29th of September last past, relating to the complaint of the Champerico
Railway Company of San Francisco against the Guatemalan Government, I have
the honor to transmit copies and translations of correspondence having
special reference to the canceling of the concession to Messrs. J. L. Bueron
& Co., granted in November, 1887, for the construction of a railway from
the port of Ocos to Quezaltenango, which concession has been shown to be a
violation of that of 1881, held by the Champerico company.
My dispatch referred to contains a transcript of a telegram from the minister
for foreign affairs of Guatemala, received at Managua, in which he announces
the surrender of the Bueron concession, in other words its abrogation, with
the consent of the grantees.
Soon after my return to this capital from Nicaragua I asked for a
confirmation of the telegram to be given me in an official communication,
and it was promptly accorded. On the 25th ultimo I informed the managing
director, Mr. Sanford Robinson, of the result, and on the 4th instant
received his reply expressing unqualified gratification that the matter had
been brought to such a satisfactory termination. I respectfully invite your
notice of this correspondence, and beg to be permitted to add that, in
treating of this case with the Guatemalan Government, I have endeavored to
conform strictly to your instruction No. 563, of the 27th March last
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 883.]
Mr. Hall to Señor
Guatemala, October 22,
Mr. Minister: I had the honor to receive at
Managua, Nicaragua, on the 29th ultimo, your excellency’s following
“Palacio del
Setiembre 28 de 1888. (Recibido
en Managua á las 11. a.m. del 29.)
“Señor Henry C. Hall,
E. Y. M. P. de los E. E. U. U. en Centro America,
“Hoy ha sido presentado al ministerio de fomento el escrito del
Señor Bueron en que retira su concesion. Al comunicarlo á Ud. me
es grato asegurarle que soy may atento S. S.
“E. Martinez Sobral.”
I have transcribed the foregoing to my Government and am confident that
it will have been received with much satisfaction. I should be pleased
to receive from your excellency a confirmation of the telegram.
It remains for me to tender to your excellency and his excellency the
President my sincere thanks for the interest taken in this matter.
I avail myself, etc.
[Page 171]
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Señor Sobral to Mr.
Department of Foreign Relations,
Guatemala, October 24,
Sir: In conformity with the wish made known by
your esteemed note of the 22d instant, I have the pleasure to confirm
the telegram which, under date of the 28th September last past, I
addressed to you at Managua, Nicaragua, as follows:
“Official telegram, September 28, 1888.
“H. E. Henry C.
E. E. and M. P. of the
United States in Central America, Managua:
“The document of Señor Bueron, by which he surrenders his
concession, has been presented to-day to the minister of public
works (fomento).
“In communicating it to you, it is a pleasure to assure you that
I am, etc.,
“E. Martinez Sobral.”
I improve this occasion to repeat to you that I am, with personal
Yours, etc.,