No. 121.
Mr. Hall
to Mr. Bayard.
Guatemala, September 10, 1888. (Received October 2.)
Sir: With my dispatch No. 620, of the 21st of February, 1887, I had the honor to transmit a copy and translation of a general treaty between the five Central American States, signed in this city on the 16th day of that month.
Article 26 of the treaty provides for a congress of the States, which shall meet every two years at their several capitals in the following order: Costa Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, and that the first of these meetings shall be held at the capital of Costa Rica, on the 15th of September, 1888.
The above-mentioned treaty has been ratified unconditionally by Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica, and by Salvador with some amendments: Nicaragua as yet has taken no action in regard to its ratification; notwithstanding that State will be represented in the congress which will meet at San José, Costa Rica, on the 15th instant.
The following are the names of the delegates of the several States: Señor Don José Farfan, for Guatemala; Dr. Don Jeronimo Zelaya, minister for foreigu affairs of Honduras, for Honduras; General Don Isi-dro Urtecho, for Nicaragua; Señor Don Pedro Perez Zeledon, for Costa Rica; Dr. Don Francisco E. Galindo, for Salvador.
I have, etc.,