No. 500.
Mr. Blaine to Señor de Zamacona.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 19th ultimo, relative to the employment of the power of both governments to impart greater security to the inhabitants on the border between the United States and Mexico.

In reply, I have the honor to state that this government will heartily co-operate for the purpose with that of the Mexican Republic. The case of Captain Gillett of the Texan military service, to which you refer, strongly illustrates the necessity for such co-operation. The act of that officer in abducting from Mexico, without judicial warrant, a person charged with crime seems not to be excusable. This Department has written to the governor of Texas upon the subject, and has suggested that such orders be issued to the commander of their military force as may be practicable to prevent abuses.

Accept, &c.,