No. 501.
Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Secretary: An incident which has been reported to me by the Mexican consul at El Paso (the correctness of whose report is corroborated by the inclosed document) induces me to call the attention of your department to the note which I had the honor to address to it on the 16th day of March, 1880, pointing out some of the causes to which, in [Page 830] the opinion of this legation, the depredations committed by the savages on the frontier are due, and particularly referring to the location of some Indian reservations, to the permits granted to the Indians to make extended raids beyond the limits of said reservations, and to the reception which they usually meet with on their return from committing ruinous depredations.

The Department of State will observe that those permits are still granted, and that it is believed by the officers belonging to the local police of Texas that the savages who are permitted to leave the reservations situated near the State of Chihuahua are about to select that portion of Mexico as the scene of their forays.

The laudable interest which has recently been manifested by the Department of State in behalf of the improvement of the condition of the frontier districts on both sides of the Rio Grande induces me to hope that it will take energetic measures to remedy the evils referred to in the reports which I have the honor herewith to inclose.

I avail, &c.,


Captain Baylor to Consul Escobar.

Dear Sir: Your note of 7th instant just received, and in reply I would say that I received a letter from commanding officer at Bliss, inclosing letter from officer commanding at Fort Stanton, saying that permission had been given six Mescalero Apaches to go and look for some of their tribe who had been absent from the reservation for some time and who were supposed to be somewhere between the Quitman Mountains and the mouth of the Pecos River. They had permission to be absent from their reservation sixty days, and as the scope of country they are authorized to travel over is nearly 500 miles, they will very likely cross into Chihuahua and depredate on the people there, as has been their custom for years past.

They left on foot; but no one acquainted with Apaches will doubt their riding back, and likely with a drove of horses also. The commanding officer requested me to notify parties in the country mentioned that the Indians were out, and to look out for them and to punish them if they committed any outrages. He also intimated that it was not altogether from choice that he gave them permission to be absent, but that the Indians said they intended to go anyhow, and he thought it best to put them on their good behavior when out. I think the people of Chihuahua and Texas, as well as New Mexico and Arizona, can testify that that question is settled and debatable. I am very sorry I have no copy of the letter to send you, as the one furnished me was sent to the adjutant-general of Texas, for his action. One Congressman had a law passed, prohibiting either officers of the United States Army or Indian agents giving permission to Indians to come into Texas, but the officers were unaware of such a law and the Indians don’t regard it. If I had known that the information had not been sent to Col. Joachin Terrazas, I should have posted him myself, and Don Roman Aranda also.

I learned that ten or twelve Indians afoot crossed the stage road between Quitman Cañon some two weeks ago, going towards the springs back of Eagle Mountain. These are, no doubt, the Indians, as they were afoot. I think they are looking for the Indians I fought in the Sierra Diablo last January. I think you can get copy of letter sent me from commanding officer at Fort Bliss. If General Terrazas should get after these and they cross into Texas at the Basque Bonito, I would like to have notice so that I could intercept them at Crow Springs or the Sierra Guadalupe, and I hope the general will follow them into Texas, as I am quite sure the government of Texas would not object.

Very respectfully,