Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 5, 1881

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 5, 1881
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President of the United States
- Foreign relations
- List of papers, with their subjects
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 1–13)
- Austria-Hungary (Documents 14–42)
- Belgium (Documents 43–54)
- Bolivia (Documents 55–69)
- Correspondence with the legation of Bolivia at Washington. (Documents 66–69)
- Correspondence with the legation of Bolivia at Washington. (Documents 66–69)
- Brazil (Documents 70–72)
- Central America (Documents 73–84)
- Chili (Documents 85–123)
- Correspondence with the legation of Chili at Washington. (Documents 113–123)
- Correspondence with the legation of Chili at Washington. (Documents 113–123)
- China (Documents 124–192)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 188–192)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 188–192)
- Colombia (Documents 193–214)
- Denmark (Document 215)
- France (Documents 216–279)
- Correspondence with the legation of France at Washington. (Documents 271–279)
- Correspondence with the legation of France at Washington. (Documents 271–279)
- Germany (Documents 280–301)
- Great Britain (Documents 302–380)
- Correspondence with the legation of Great Britain at Washington. (Documents 347–380)
- Correspondence with the legation of Great Britain at Washington. (Documents 347–380)
- Correspondence with the Legation of Guatemala at Washington (Documents 381–391)
- Hawaii (Documents 392–405)
- Hayti (Documents 406–413)
- Italy (Documents 414–421)
- Japan (Documents 422–432)
- Liberia (Documents 433–442)
- Mexico (Documents 443–521)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 487–521)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 487–521)
- The Netherlands (Documents 522–524)
- Peru (Documents 525–598)
- Correspondence with the legation of Peru at Washington. (Documents 589–598)
- Correspondence with the legation of Peru at Washington. (Documents 589–598)
- Portugal (Document 599)
- Roumania (Documents 600–606)
- Russia (Documents 607–639)
- Correspondence with the legation of Russia at Washington. (Documents 635–639)
- Correspondence with the legation of Russia at Washington. (Documents 635–639)
- Spain (Documents 640–663)
- Sweden and Norway (Documents 664–669)
- Switzerland (Documents 670–711)
- Turkey (Documents 712–729)
- Venezuela (Documents 730–755)
- Correspondence respecting the foreign debt of Venezuela. (Documents 730–755)
- Correspondence respecting the foreign debt of Venezuela. (Documents 730–755)