No. 473.
Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine.

No. 260.]

Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 156 (July 29, 1881), and its inclosure, regarding the proposed extension of the “zona libre “as far as El Paso, Mexico, I have to report that on yesterday I saw one of the senators from Chihuahua and asked him some questions thereon. He informed me that the matter had been discussed between one of the officials of that state and the president, but that no conclusion had been arrived at.

This morning I called on Señor Mariscal and inquired of him whether there was any truth in the report. He replied that a petition to that effect had been presented to the government, but that it had not been acted upon. Indeed, he said, the extension could only be made by act of Congress. I inquired of him whether the present “zona” had not been established without the consent of congress? He replied that it had, but that it had received the approbation of that department of the government; that in the instance now before us the president would not recommend it, and that there was no likelihood of its passing.

I am, &c.,