No. 84.
Mr. Evarts to Mr. Osborn.

No 55.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 76, of the 11th ultimo, in which you state that a treaty has finally been signed for the [Page 148] submission to arbitration of the boundary dispute between Chili and the Argentine Republic, the tribunal to be composed of two citizens of each country; and a fifth person as umpire, to decide upon points not otherwise settled.

You will express to the Chilian Government the extreme gratification which the Government of the United States derives from this intelligence, which sets at rest any present apprehensions of a rupture between the two governments, a result which, as regards the damage it might inflict on the commerce of the world, would be highly deplorable, and, as concerns the perhaps irremediable injuries it might entail on the prosperity of both republics, would be a subject of great regret to the United States.

It is hoped that in the arbitration which now seems about to take place the representatives of both parties will be so strongly actuated by a desire to conclude a lasting settlement of the boundary question, that no motive less broad will be permitted to interfere with that most important object. It is conceived that either country could much better afford to sacrifice many square miles of territory, or a large extent of coastline hitherto claimed, than to hazard in their defense, not only their commercial success and general credit, but the favorable estimation of other nations. The Government of Chili has evinced, by her participation in this great but peaceful triumph of negotiation, that she entertains views of policy which must ultimately result in establishing the highest prosperity of the country.

I am, &c.,