No. 81.
Mr. Logan to Mr. Evarts.

No. 6.]

Sir: Upon the 10th instant the President of Guatemala returned from his visit to the provinces, and I was at once informed by note from Mr. Montúfar, the minister of foreign relations, that the President would be pleased to receive me in public audience on the following day, the 11th instant, at two o’clock in the afternoon, at which hour he would send a committee to my hotel, with carriages, for the purpose of conducting me to the government palace.

At the appointed time the committee arrived, and your representative was driven to the palace, where a large detail of national troops, with cadets from the military academy and bands of music, were drawn up in line and received him with military honors. Upon entering the audience hall, all of the principal functionaries of the republic, in Ml dress, were found ranged in line upon both sides of the room.

He was then formally received by the President.

The reception ceremonies were altogether unusual to this government, and were evidently intended as an offering of particular distinction to our own.

Upon the day following the reception I called, with my wife, upon the President and lady, at the official residence, and received a most cordial welcome from both. During the interview I took occasion to express the feeling of good-will and friendship which would always characterize my course while I remained in my present position, to which sentiment the President responded with much warmth. He assured me of his desire to cultivate the closest relations with the United States, and invited me to lay before my government the expediency of a treaty of reciprocity. I have reason to believe that the subject will be brought to my notice in an official form, when I shall present the matter in greater detail.

The visit was terminated by the expression of the most kindly sentiments upon both sides.

I also inclose, under cover of this dispatch, a sealed letter, received since the foregoing was written, from President Barrios to President Hayes, which I have been requested to transmit to the latter, by the minister of foreign relations.

I have, &c.