No. 61.
Mr. Van den
Bossche to Mr. Evarts.
Washington, July 7, 1879.
Mr. Secretary of State: In acknowledging to your excellency the receipt of your note of the 3d instant, I have the honor to express to you my very especial thanks for the information which you have been kind enough to convey to me upon the subject of the laws in force in the various States and Territories of the Union in relation to marriage.
The work with which my government has charged His Majesty’s legation having for its special object to present, in general terms and without going into details, the regulations observed and the authorities competent for the celebration of marriages, it is not necessary for me to pay attention to the successive modifications which legislative activity may from time to time add to existing laws.
I should consider myself extremely fortunate if I could merely obtain knowledge, in a purely informal way, of the important researches made by the law officer of the Department of State in 1874 (1872?), and of whose existence your excellency has been good enough to inform me, The legation of the King would consider this a special favor.
I embrace this opportunity, Mr. Secretary, to offer to your excellency renewed assurances of my highest consideration.