No. 496.
Mr. Baker to Mr. Evarts.

No. 105.]

Sir: I send herewith a copy of a decree by General Guzman Blanco, as the same appears in La Opinion Nacional of the 28th ultimo, together with a translation thereof. This decree calls a congress of plenipotentiaries to meet in the federal district on the 27th of April next, or the most contiguous day, to be composed of the presidents of the States, or of representative substitutes appointed by them; this congress to fix provisional institutions for the country, elect a provisional president, &c. This document, like that transmitted with my No. 104, should be read in full.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 105.—Translation.]

guzman blanco, illustrious american, pacificator and re generator of venezuela, supreme director of the revindication, etc.

In use of the powers which the people have conferred upon me for the political and administrative reorganization of the republic—

I decree:

  • Article 1. On the 27th of April next, or the day most contiguous, a congress of [Page 1042] plenipotentiaries will meet in the federal district, composed of the presidents of the States, or of citizens in their places who represent them, whom they may name in case of not being able to be present.
  • Art. 2. The congress of plenipotentiaries will install itself, and open each session with at least one more than half its members; and in default of this number on the day upon which it should install itself, those present will meet in a preparatory commission, and, previously electing one to preside over them, dictate means for the concurrence of the absentees.
  • Art. 3. The congress of plenipotentaries will fix the institutions which shall provisionally rule the country until they are reformed according to the legal formulas.
  • Art. 4. The congress of plenipotentiaries will elect the citizen who may have to discharge provisionally the presidency of the republic until he may be substituted constitutionally.
  • Art. 5. The congress of plenipotentiaries will occupy itself with resolving the other matters which the supreme director may submit to its consideration in all the branches of the public administration.
  • Art. 6. The minister of interior relations is charged with the execution of this decree.


Countersigned. The minister of interior relations: