No. 41.
Mr. Evarts
to Mr. Kasson.
Washington, July 30, 1879.
Sir: My instruction No. 121 of this date, authorizing and empowering you to proceed to the negotiation of commercial and consular conventions with Servia and Roumania, will have explained to you the motives which have induced such a step, and of the advantages which it is thought and hoped the inauguration of taller political and material relations with those rich countries will bring to the industries and trade of the United States.
I have now to instruct you to avail yourself of the opportunities which are thus afforded to you by your visit to Servia and Roumania to make a careful and, so far as practicable, a detailed examination concerning the commercial facilities of those States and the prospective market therein for the products of the United States, and that you will communicate the result of your observations to this Department as soon as may be conveniently practicable.
I am, &c.,