No. 32.
Mr. Kasson
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
Vienna, March 20, 1879.
(Received April 5.)
No. 175.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 174, giving the
information respecting Austrian railroad taxation, as desired by your
dispatch No. 87, I now submit the following report touching the system
adopted by the Government of Hungary:
I. “On what general recognized principle, if any, is the railroad taxation of
Hungary based?”
Answer. On the principle that the transportation
should pay the taxes, these being levied upon the passengers and owners of
the property transported. The particulars appear in the analysis of the
Hungarian law, hereto appended. (Inclosure 1.)
II. “In how far are the railroad companies taxed as holders of realty?”
Answer. All the realty is exempt from taxation.
III. “In how far as holders of personalty?”
Answer. The personalty is also exempt from taxation.
IV. “In how far are they subject to a franchise tax?”
Answer. There is no tax on this franchise.
V. “In how far is their stock taxed as personalty to its owners?”
Answer. The shares are not subject to taxation.
VI. “What taxes are levied on the receipts of the companies, whether net or
Answer. There is no tax upon either gross or net receipts in Hungary.
[Page 55]
With one or two exceptions, in both Austria and Hungary the plan was early
adopted of providing for the ultimate acquisition of the railroads by the
government. To this end the concessions were granted for 90 years, with the
condition that at the end of that period the whole franchise and property,
with an equipment equal to the original amount, should revert absolutely to
the state. To save the builders and owners from loss, a system of
amortization was established, in pursuance of which a certain portion of the
capital in shares and bonds was to be refunded in each year, by which the
reimbursement would be completed in 90 years. In principle it is a sinking
fund. In Hungary, the government guarantees the amortization fund and an
interest of 5 per cent. on capital and bonded debts, in silver; and if the
net earnings are not sufficient, the deficiency is made good out of the
national treasury, but to be refunded if subsequent net receipts are
sufficient. In point of fact, in the aggregate there is each year a
deficiency of several millions charged upon the state treasury of Hungary.
Under such circumstances it is evident that taxes upon the corporation would
involve the paying in of money with one hand only to be paid back by the
Hence the state levies its revenue upon passengers and freighters as a surtax
upon the regular tariff charges of the railroads, these latter being the
agents to collect it and to account to the government.
In effect, it is a tax on the gross receipts, while in law it is a tax on
private business
This explanation, together with the summary of the legal provisions hereto
appended, will fully answer the inquiries so far as they relate to
Some further elucidation of the railroad system is reserved for a subsequent
dispatch, when some expected documents shall have been received at the
legation, showing more completely the legal provisions for Austrian
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 175.]
on taxing the use of railways and steamship
[XX. Law articles of the year 1875.]
(Sanctioned the 6fch May, 1875; promulgated in the House of
Deputies the 14th May, 1875; in the Upper House the 18th May, 1875.)
Within the frontiers of the countries belonging to the Hungarian Crown,
passengers, consignees, and receivers of goods must, for the use of
railway and steamship conveyances, pay the tax rates enumerated in the
ensuing paragraphs.
§ 1. The following taxes have to be paid on railways as well as on
- (a)
- For conveyance of passengers, 10 per cent. of the fare.
- (b)
- For forwarding passengers’ baggage, 10 per cent. of the amount
paid for overfreight: on excess of weight over free
- (c)
- Ten per cent. of the whole fare for special trains and
- (d)
- Five per cent. of the transportation charges on goods conveyed
by the mail trains and 2 per cent. on that conveyed by freight
- (e)
- Ten per cent. on fare paid for a special cabin on board a
steamship and for a carriage sleeping compartment on
In settling the accounts of these rates, the manipulation fees (cost of
tickets, stamps, &c.), and the agio (exchange) for metallic money
must be added to the dues and amounts enumerated above. So far as such
additional payments are not collected through some company or for some
transportation, the tax will only be levied on the dues, charges, and
manipulation fees collected.
[Page 56]
§ 2. All these tax rates are collected from the passengers, consignees,
and receivers of goods by the railway and steamship administrations, and
then remitted to the proper state treasury.
§ 3. The tax rates laid down in § 1 must be added to the fare and
conveyance dues fixed in the tariffs of charges of the respective
enterprises and to their manipulation fees; and they must be brought to
public notice in these tariff tables, and be reckoned as one sum, and
must be paid in together with the metallic agio mentioned in § 1.
Tariffs prepared in this manner must be submitted to the government.
§ 4. Small fractions, resulting from the calculation of the tax rates to
be paid according to the present law, are to be omitted if they do not
exceed half a kreuzer on the fare and half-a-tenth kreuzer in the
conveyance taxes. If these fractions exceed the sums mentioned, they
must be accounted for as a whole or as one-tenth kreuzer.
§ 5. Those who enjoy the privilege of a reduction of tax rates pay only
the amount of tax resulting from the reduced rate, the manipulation fee,
and the agio on metallic money.
§ 6. The following are exempt from the tax established by this law:
- (a)
- The royal court.
- (b)
- The conveyance of passengers and freight for the common army
and the militia, if these transports are furnished with the
usual military documents.
- (c)
- The railway and steamship companies are exempt in regard to
those goods which they convey for their own use from one of
their stations to another, for their own constructions, and for
the completion of the objects of the undertaking or pertaining
to their business.
- (d.)
- The street railways.
- (e)
- Steamers and railways conveying passengers between the capital
and adjoining localities.
§ 7. The stamp dues to be paid upon the railway and steamship traffic
according to the present laws will continue in force.
§ 8. The steamship and railway companies are at the end of each month
obliged to pay into the state treasury (without detriment to the right
of a future co rectification within a fortnight, thereafter) the amount
of taxes corresponding to the passenger, luggage, express, and freight
traffic of the same month of the preceding year. The regular monthly
exhibits of traffic, in which the taxable transportation, the revenue
derived therefrom, and the taxes levied according to this law must be
clearly exhibited; and the passenger, luggage, express goods, and
freight rubrics, recorded as one sum, must within three months be sent
to the financial direction as designated by the minister of finance. The
companies that extend their business transactions to the Austrian
territory or to foreign countries are required to show all these sums in
their exhibits, as well as exhibiting the tax laid thereon, and paid in
the before-mentioned countries for the use of the conveyances by railway
or steamer in Hungary. If this exhibit of traffic shows the sum
previously paid in to be excessive, the difference forthwith must be
returned to such company. A deficiency, on the other hand, must be made
good by it.
The rubricated exhibit must correspond with the company’s original
entries or books; the companies and their manager are responsible for
its correctness, and the financial direction is empowered to have it
compared with the company’s books or entries by authorized agents.
§ 9. The tax-rates that may not have been paid by the respective
companies in the time mentioned in§ 8 will, with 8 per cent. interest
for delay, be collected in the manner prescribed for the direct
§ 10. This law will on the first of the following month come into force
at all the stations in the territory of the Hungarian Crown, excluding
such portions of the railway and steamship traffic as are situated
outside the frontiers. With respect to all its
enactments, however, it will only be in operation on the first day of
the fourth month after its promulgation.
§ 11. Until the entry into operation of all the enactments mentioned in
the present law, the minister of finance will appoint by ordinance the
time and manner of accounting and paying the tax to the State treasury,
resulting from the traffic exclusively within the frontiers.
§ 12. The minister of finance and the minister for public works and
communications are empowered to carry this present law into effect.