No. 343.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Evarts.
Mexico, February 7, 1879. (Received February 18.)
Sir: On the 14th ultimo an excursion party of American citizens arrived in this city. The excursion was organized in Chicago, but was composed in greater part of persons from Saint Louis, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Wheeling, and other cities. Upon their arrival at Vera Cruz they were met by a committee appointed by the government, were entertained by the latter at said port and en route to this city; and since their arrival here have been the object of marked attention by the federal authorities, having been entertained by them with excursions, dinners, a grand ball, and other civilities.
The majority of the excursionists were simple tourists; but quite a number of them were representatives of manufacturing and commercial houses, and brought with them samples of their products and merchandise. Every facility was given them in the way of dispatch at the custom-houses, and they were furnished by the government with a suitable building in which to exhibit their articles, and the exhibition was opened by the President of the Republic. In view of the great attentions bestowed, and the special facilities offered by the federal officials, it is to be regretted that the representation of the commercial and manufacturing interests of the United States was so meager.
The excursionists left this city on yesterday on their return to the United States, greatly pleased with their visit, and highly appreciating the attentions they have received from the Government and people of Mexico.
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I am, &c.,