No. 306.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
States Legation,
Tokei, Japan, August 29, 1879. (Received September 29.)
No. 944.]Tokei, Japan, August 29, 1879. (Received September 29.)
Sir: Herewith I have the honor to inclose for your: information the official statement of the statistics of Asiatic cholera within this empire, up to the 26th instant, from which it appears that the total number of cases to that date was 102,217, and that of this number 54,615 died; showing a mortality of over 50 per cent.
I inclose herewith a copy of the statement kindly furnished me by his excellency Mr. Ito. His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Minister of the Interior. You will note that all this mortality from cholera has happened within the last four months.
I have, &c.,