No. 302.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.

No. 939.]

Sir: I have the honor to make further report of the progress of the Asiatic cholera in Japan, and to acquaint you that a table of all the eases of the disease in the empire since its appearance in April last up to the 9th instant, has been compiled by the sanitary bureau, a summary of which, as published in the Tokei Times of the 16th instant, is herewith inclosed.

From this summary it appears that the whole number of cases of cholera in Japan this season, up to the 9th instant, was 53,779; that the deaths therefrom to that date numbered 29,722; and that of the persons attacked, 6,752 recovered, and 17,305 remained under treatment; that in Osaka (where the mortality has been greatest) the number of persons seized up to the 9th instant was 7,295, of whom 5,670 died, and that the average death-rate throughout the Empire is about 55 per cent.

I beg leave to say that, as I am advised, the disease has been thus far restricted to the places specified in the table inclosed with my No. 929.

I have, &c.,

[Page 668]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 939.—Extract from the Tokei Times, August 16, 1879.]

A table of all cases of cholera throughout the empire since the outbreak until the 9th instant, has been compiled by the sanitary bureau. The grand total shows 53,779 patients, 29,722 deaths, 6,752 cures, and 17,305 still under treatment. The death-rate is about 55 per cent. The greatest number of attacks has taken place in Osaka, where the mortality also seems to have been greater than in any other district. The figures are 7,295 and 5,670 respectively. Hiogo and Okayama follow, each with upward of 6,000 cases, more than half of which were fatal. In Tokei 410 and in Kanagawa 348 instances of the epidemic have been registered, the majority terminating in the decease of the victims.