No. 300.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, Japan, August 11, 1879. (Received September 4.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 929, of date the 8th instant, in which I had the honor to inclose cholera statistics up to the 25th ultimo, I now beg leave to inclose herewith further statistics of the pestilence up to the 4th instant, as published in the Tokei Times of the 9th instant, by authority of the interior department of this government.
This table shows that up to the 4th instant the number of cholera cases in the empire as reported was 41,647; that the number of deaths therefrom to that date were 23,350, and that the death-rate was 56.07 per centum. All this mortality was confined to the places named in the inclosure with my No. 929.
It is painful to note that in the doomed city of Osaka, the number of cases of cholera up to the 4th of August was 6,941, and of deaths from that disease to that day the number was 5,407. It is to be observed that, aided doubtless by the refusal of certain foreign powers to observe and enforce the quarantine regulations of this government, the importation of the disease into Kanagawa and Tokei has gone on until since the quarantine of the 1st of July (when there were no cholera cases officially reported in either city) it is now reported officially that both cities are infected with the pestilence, and that up to the 4th instant in Tokei there were 248 cholera cases, of which 135 were fatal, and in Kanagawa (Yokohama) 192 cases, of which 98 were fatal, showing a mortality in the former of 54.44 per cent, and in the latter of 51:04 per
I have, &c.,