No. 290.
Mr. Stevens to Mr. Evarts.

No. 58.]

Sir: I take pleasure in informing you that the Japanese Government have expressed the desire to make General Grant their guest during his anticipated visit to Japan. At the request of Mr. Terashima I telegraphed this to General Grant at Calcutta, and I understand that instructions have been given to the Japanese consul at Hong-Kong to formally tender to the general on his arrival at that place the invitation of the Japanese Government to accept their hospitality during his sojourn in Japan. Extensive preparations are being made for his reception. The line buildings of the Enriokwan, used as the residence of the Duke of Edinburgh and of Prince Alexis when they visited Japan, will be set apart for himself and party.

A commission has been appointed to attend to the details of the reception, [Page 637] consisting of three ex-daimios, and to which Mr. Yoshida also is attached.

General Grant is expected at Hong-Kong about the 30th instant. We have not yet ascertained whether he will proceed thence to the Northern Chinese ports and Peking, or come directly to Japan.

I have, &c.,